
Mile-Markers + SIGNS You’re upleveling

Growth isn’t linear, but there is a pattern to it. The following mile-markers can show you where you are in the process.

What is upleveling? inspired action that unlocks greater capabilities.

(Also known as growth).

I love looking at growth through the lens of upleveling. You are taking inspired action when you choose to lift the veil on your own psyche.
Doing the work unlocks your magic, your strength, your resilience—basically everything that gives you power.

phases of upleveling:



This might not seem like a phase worth mentioning, but it is! Reactivity is SO important. When you experience reactivity in the form of discomfort, irritability, anger, depression, etc, it’s your psyche’s way of telling you that something is up. Though it may seem counterintuitive, this is your body’s way of encouraging you to investigate deeper. When you take a moment to NOTICE your reactivity and discomfort, you are answering the call for growth.

If you’re in this phase, it’s time to investigate the patterns around your discomfort.



This is the breakthrough—a mind-blowing ‘aha!’ moment that feels like a lightning bolt shooting through your brain. Even if it passes in a flash, you receive total clarity around one or more patterns that led to your reactivity. Often this clarity is accompanied by an intense emotion—elation or even tears. I see tears as especially positive because it means your body is already in the process of letting go.

This intense emotion is usually followed by an emotional high. You feel invincible: you are totally clear about a major pattern in your life and feel empowered to take on the world! You see the light at the end of the tunnel—freedom is close!

When you’re in this phase, it’s important to allow yourself to feel the clarity in whatever form it shows up. There’s no wrong way to experience it.


The Void

“Hello darkness, my old friend…”

This is what I like to call a ‘clarity hangover.’ I’ve also heard it called, ‘old-self die-off,’ which I love. It’s often experienced as extreme fatigue, lack of motivation, and self-doubt. Your gremlin voices are coming in hot.

If you experience the void, be encouraged: this phase is SO GOOD FOR YOU. On a spiritual level, your energy fields are adjusting to a new vibration. If you prefer a non-spiritual description, your ego (which serves to protect your old narratives) is throwing a tantrum because your old narratives are being threatened and new narratives are attempting to stick.

In this phase it’s important to embrace self-compassion. The more compassion you are able to show yourself and your ego, the faster this phase will pass.

If that sounds hard, turn to tools that walk you through self-compassion—like my RISE series. Day 3 is specifically tailored to help you rewrite your narratives.


catching balance

Your ego is beginning to accept your new healing narratives, but the world you live in hasn’t yet caught up with your growth. You’ll be confronted with the same situational patterns that have been reinforcing your old narratives time and time again.

It’s important to remember during this phase that we are drawn to situations that force us to grow. When we’re in situations that make us feel small, it’s the universe’s way of encouraging us to learn to stand in our worth. Or, for a less spiritual explanation: our psyche is drawn toward scenarios that stimulate healing. Unfortunately, it’s discomfort that often pushes us to finally heal—because when has comfort and safety ever motivated you to address what hurts? This discomfort, pushing you to stand up for your new narratives, is a good thing. It allows you to fully embrace them.

This phase is all about catching your balance—you’re going to feel tested and you’re probably going to stumble a few times before you start operating from a place of empowerment. Honor each opportunity for practice. The next phase is freedom.



You’ve noticed your reactivity, found clarity in the patterns that trigger it, befriended your ego, and have practiced your new, self-serving narratives enough to feel like you’re getting the hang of it.

Welcome to freedom.

This phase might sneak up on you. You’re suddenly confronted with an old pattern and realize your old trigger no longer bothers you. With practice, you’ve fully integrated your new narrative. This realization feels like a wave of relief—and you deserve to celebrate it!

Your self-worth has upleveled. You’re in your power. You can feel your magic expanding, your energy radiating. You are magnetic.

Just like in the ‘clarity’ phase, you feel a deeper connection to self and are ready to take on the world. Only this time, you’re prepared. Go get ‘em.