What Are The Akashic Records?

I have a confession to make that might be obvious to you if you’ve been following my work over the last few years: I am a big proponent of spiritualism. This naturally conflicts with my desire to explain the science behind all of the things I preach on this blog. I want you to know the science because I want you to understand how the machine (your mind, your body, your nervous system, your spirit) works. But every now and again there’s a practice I lean into that hasn’t been adequately measured by science—can’t, actually, be measured, yet, because the tools for such measurement don’t yet exist.

The Akashic Records is one such practice.

Let’s set something straight before we move into the details: this is non-denominational spirit work. You are allowed to come from any creed (or lack thereof) and use these tools.

For the devout: I understand that many religions shun practices that are not concretely written out as part of your faith. I respect that, if that’s where your boundaries are. But for what it’s worth, I believe there are many ways to connect to the divine. God is unafraid of any path and doesn’t shut people out—if counsel is sought, counsel will be given.

For the atheists: My favorite way to conceptualize spirituality is through the lens of universal consciousness, which I describe below. This is a concept that makes sense whether or not you believe in a God, but it does ask for some semblance off ‘suspension of disbelief.’ Another way to look at the Records, of course, is through the Placebo effect, which can have shockingly beneficial effects on the nervous system. Sometimes I think of it as just another way to access my higher self. Take what feels right to you, leave the rest, as they say!

For everyone: As with all things spiritual, there are light forces that are here to help and guide you and heavier, denser forces that will mislead you at best. This is why it’s important that you protect your energy—ensure that what you’re calling in is invested only in your highest good. And make sure you’re ethical about how you’re using your tools… if you’re trying to stir trouble, you’ll attract it.

So, what are the Akashic Records?

Imagine a vast library where all human thought, memory, intention, and actions that have ever occurred (and will ever occur) are catalogued and stored. Now imagine you have access to a Librarian who can direct you to the resources you desire, open to the exact page you need to reference, and explain what it all means.

This is the concept of the Akashic Records. It’s a state of consciousness that gives you access to the universal psychic library. I imagine it resembles a vast solar system of conscious thought.

There are probably a hundred ways to access these records, but the way I was taught (by my teacher, Erin Somerset) is through a prayer that was made popular by Linda Howe in the late 90s.

Anyone can open the records—and everything has a record. You have a record. Your business has a record. Your dog has a record. The caveat is that you can only access the records for which you have asked permission. (It’s pretty unethical to open your ex’s records, tempting as it may be, and could lead to attracting some dense or more mischievous energy as I mentioned earlier).

So when you ask to open the record, using Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer or otherwise, make sure you’re specific about which record you want to open. This will lead to more clear-cut answers.

Why use the Akashic Records?

As I said before, I often think of the Akashic Records as instant-access to my higher self. Am I struggling with a career decision? Am I needing guidance around a particular issue in my life? Or do I just want to poke around and have some fun—you can sleep with your records open and ask for insightful dreams!

One thing to remember is that it’s not always helpful to open the records when you’re in a heightened emotional state. That’s not to say you can’t! But when your nervous system is activated, it becomes harder to tune in and get clear guidance.

What will happen when I open the Records?

It’s different for everyone. Many people, myself included, feel a buzzing around their third-eye and crown chakra when they recite the prayer to open the records. Sometimes it might make you feel tired, if you aren’t used to being in that kind of energy.

When it comes to actually ‘hearing’ your guidance, this varies, as well. Some people are more visual and see their answers in pictures. Some actually hear a voice—not always an actual voice, but a voice in the back of your head. Some just interpret it as a ‘knowing.’

Just make sure you remember to CLOSE the records when you’re finished. You might start to feel groggy and out-of-whack if the records are left open for a long time. I have learned this the hard way. You’re opening the line to a LOT of energy… so you want to make sure you’re closing off that line when you’re all set.

Is it just me? Or actually the records?

It can be hard to distinguish whether or not you’re channeling guidance or making it up, and this is where practice comes in handy. You have to build your trust muscle. Ask questions that don’t have high stakes like, “show me where my inner power lives,” or “what’s something about myself I’ve never fully appreciated, but should?”

When I first started, I saw images but they were hard for me to piece together. Then I started to notice that I was hearing a voice in the back-right area of my head. It felt different from where I hear my ‘regular’ voice, which is feels more forward, from the front of my brain. (That sounds weird, but have you ever paid attention to ‘where’ your voices sound like they’re coming from? It’s strange to see some consistencies!)

And then I started writing down what I was hearing—and suddenly it came through even stronger. I’ve now found that the easiest way for me to connect is when I’m channeling with my pen. I think it’s because the activity of pen-to-paper focuses me. It clears my head and makes it easier to distinguish what’s coming through from the records.

When you play around, you’ll find your groove.

What if I don’t hear anything?

Don’t worry, this happens all. the. time. It doesn’t mean you’re incapable of accessing the records.

Sometimes the records are silent when you are entering from a heightened emotional state. Your nervous system is blocking clear connection and the stillness necessary to ‘hear’ isn’t accessible.

Sometimes this is because you are spiritually blocked in other ways. Maybe you haven’t taken a lot of time to ground recently. Maybe your energy is a little bit cluttered and needs some clearing. Eating high quality foods, staying away from excessive substance use, meditation, and other grounding practices like earthing will help clear you right up.

Sometimes this is just because you need more practice! I recently asked my records why I’ve been able to have such clear connection so consistently of late—when I used to struggle with phases of silence—and they essentially told me that it’s because I’d been consistent. My connection was strong because I was practicing with it frequently. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.

Where do I start?

If you’re interested in the practice of opening your Akashic Records, I’d suggest looking for a class. There are many practitioners who are willing to teach it (who knows—someday I may offer a workshop on this, too) and it doesn’t take long. You can also try it on your own by accessing Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer, which you can find on her site and in many other places online.

I would suggest, before diving in, that you ground yourself in meditation for a few minutes. Use your favorite clearing techniques, whether it’s smudging or prayer or something else to set the stage. I would also suggest that you call on your guides to protect you throughout the process so that all dense energies are cast out of your field, only energies that want to assist your highest good come forward, and you receive the wisdom that’s meant for you at this time.

Energetic protection is so, so important. I’ll go into more detail on that some other time.

I’ll leave you with a September 2020 energy reading that I channeled this afternoon:

I opened the records for ‘Free, Not Radical Readers’ (you don’t need permission when accessing records for a collective because there’s no personal or private information that can be accessed).

I asked, “What should my readers expect and tune into throughout the month of September?”

As per usual, the answer was not what I expected.

“The energy for September is fierce. It is a time for laying down roots and letting them spread firmly into the soil. Stand up for what you believe in. Know who you are and why you value what you do. When you question your truths, ground into love. Love will always guide you toward what is good and right for all.

Many people will be rooting down into opposing truths. This will create further distance and friction. Again, the answer is love. To appease friction, we must send love. It lubricates the wheels necessary to draw each other closer. This requires strength. And an ability to see what drives people to choose what they value. Not everyone has this gift. But you, dear reader, do.

When you see someone rooted in an opposing belief, do not throw stones. Ask, instead, where you are the same. What fears do you share? What joys do you celebrate? Honor your sameness and hold space for it.

This perspective shift has the power to break the current paradigm.

Stay strong in what you believe, but like a tree, be able to bend to adhere to an aggressive climate. Love creates flexibility, resilience, and strength. Tune into love in September. It will ground you as the winds begin to blow.

It may sound trite, but love is the only foundation for connection. Remember, as energies feel increasingly divided, reconnection is only possible when rooted in trust and love. Again: this means getting to the core of what you and others crave or fear—the core is often a certain form of safety.

How can you extend one of your branches and honor the sameness you share with those who stand in opposing truths?

What deep fears do you share? What do you both crave? How can you extend your hand to embrace this sameness between you? How can you make it clear that you are the same more than you are different?

This is the challenge of September—and few people wiIl take this on.

Living in the energetics of rooting down, organizing your thoughts, and dissecting your values will help you find common ground.

State your case (your truth) through the lens of your sameness and it will carry you through the fire.”

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised as most of my readers are US-based and so much attention is directed to the upcoming election here. Energies are intense, to be sure. I’m going to spend some time meditating on what makes us all the same, certainly. As well as how I can express my values and beliefs through the lens of that sameness. I imagine if we all did this, we really could change the paradigm all together.

Let me know how this sits with you and what you learn by tuning into this energy throughout the month!

If you have any other questions about the records, don’t be a stranger!

Contact me any time, seriously, to ask questions or dive into discourse. I always make an effort to get back to my readers.
