So, How's Day 19/30 of No Sugar?
A lot has happened since reporting my progress all the way back on Day 5! Feels like so long ago... I was so young, I had so much potential...
I'm going to break down my progress into bullet points to make it easier, but the gist of everything is that my dopamine levels dropped SIGNIFICANTLY between days 3-10... but once I powered through that phase, I could (almost literally) taste greener pastures.
+ Days 6-10:Ultimate Pain and Agony. Yes, I was still coming down from a rough week of feeling sick, but I swear my body was also going through massive processed sugar withdrawals. My energy was low and my mood was even lower. I'd even argue that I came face-to-face with my old friend depression—and she ALMOST woo'd me back.
The most troubling part was that my go-to mood-lifters (snacks! particularly snacks from bags: like popcorn, crackers, or anything moderately processed, salty, and crunchy, really) were off the table completely. So while feeling intense emotions of self-doubt, anxiety, and let's face it, hopelessness, I had nowhere to run. I mean, I could reach for some veggies or nuts or whatever, but they didn't spike those dopamine levels the same way, so it didn't actually DO anything for me. (This is ultimately a win when it comes to detaching myself from anxiety and boredom snacking, since I'm forced to break the habit.)
So I was left to deal with my 'stuff' mano-a-mano. It was uncomfortable, but necessary. Thankfully I've done enough work (even built a bootcamp around it!) to know how to walk myself through what I was feeling without self-judgement. And I was self-aware enough to know this was just a temporary part of the process, as much as it sucked. On the upside, I learned a LOT about the fears and anxieties that are knocking at my door these days. On the downside, I let them take too firm a grasp while my brain adjusted to sugar withdrawal.
I wasn't quite sure when I'd ever get back to that "feel good" place again. Then along came Day 11.
+ Days 11-14: The Flip Switched. 🙌 I'm going to be honest: I had a couple things happen on Day 11 that completely altered my mindset. First, I think my body was finally adjusting to the new routine. Second, I had an incredible day with AMAZING friends who are all healthy-minded individuals and they reminded me [read: verbally accosted me with positive energy] how important it is to fill my heart with hope, love, and encouragement every day. I FINALLY FELT FREE AGAIN. Something turned back on inside my brain and I felt like I could see clearly for the first time in over a week. My brain fog had FINALLY lifted. Life was good again and everything had fallen back into perspective and out of despair—but my sugar cravings intensified like CRAZY. I was craving pizza and doughnuts and bread at all times. I should note that these are not my normal go-to's. I started dreaming about cookies and had multiple dreams where I knowingly cheated on this challenge with reckless abandon—only to wake up feeling very guilty and kind of relieved.
I felt better, but my brain was throwing a tantrum.
+ Days 15-19: The Eye of the Storm. This phase was pretty peaceful for me. The cheating dreams weren't as intense, but the cravings for processed foods like bread would still pop up now and then. I weirdly started craving beer a lot, too. (I say weirdly because, again, it's not my go-to drink). I'm noticing, actually, a through-line in my cravings: bread and yeast. Bread is one of the top culprits for hidden processed sugar since it's one of the MOST processed foods on the market. I tend not to eat a lot of bread-based goods in general BUT my recent spike in consuming these foods (over my honeymoon I got really cozy with baguettes and croissants—and the trend continued even after landing stateside) is the reason I started this whole challenge in the first place. What I think I'm learning is that the sugars that effected me most weren't necessarily from sweets and desserts, but the HIDDEN sugars lurking in breads and other processed snacks. I'm starting to wonder where the happy medium exists, if at all. Will I ever be able to enjoy a grilled cheese again without worrying it's messing up all my brain waves?! I'll be spending a lot of time looking into that this week. In the meantime, enjoy this incredible TEDed vid explaining the way sugar effects your brain: [embedyt][/embedyt] Until next time!