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join the REFRAME|SPIRIT movement

a space to ground, recalibrate, and connect to your energy body.


“spirit” is the most underutilized, misunderstood part of the “mind, body, spirit” paradigm. I’d like to change that.

It’s widely accepted that in order to be physically and emotionally balanced, your mind, body, and spirit must be tended to—and yet, our society places most of its focus on the mind and body. This is understandable. Spirit is a divisive word in and of itself. On the language spectrum, it’s one degree away from “religious,” which in today’s culture has become political and therefore ostracizes most people. This is a great disservice. Because spirit is, by nature, freeing. Spirit is bound by nothing. It is defined as the “nonphysical part of a person.” To ignore this facet of your body is to keep yourself caged.

In some ways I wonder if the term ‘spiritual’ has been targeted as ‘woo-woo’ on purpose, to hinder self-actualization—to keep people small. Perhaps that’s a bit too conspiratorial. There are likely a number of reasons our connection to our spiritual selves feels dangerous, silly, or taboo. Oppressive religious movements certainly haven’t helped.

Regardless, here we are.

It’s time to reclaim the word—to remove whatever charge ‘spirit’ creates for you. To normalize it. To settle into it. To get to know it.

In short: it’s time to reframe your connection to self by allowing spirit to have a seat at the table.

It’s time to get to know yourself on an energetic level.


TOPIC ideas:

How does your energy body respond to:

  • covid / the pandemic

  • loud or aggressive people

  • crowds

  • bars and restaurants

  • nature

  • family members

3 signs you’re not in touch with your energy body