Self-Love Week on #Heartofhappy
Let's talk about LOVE.
Is it just me or is Valentine's Day one of the most divisive holidays of the year? I guess it's appropriate that the only holiday centered so firmly on 'feelings' is the one people have such strong feelings about.
I'm not a huge fan of the fact that Valentine's Day has become such a back-handed way to shame all the single ladies (and men). But I'm also not sure the backlash to establish a 'singles day' is a particularly helpful response.
Why does Valentine's Day have to be so rooted in romantic love? Wouldn't it be more inclusive if it centered on ALL the various forms of love we experience in our lives? (and wouldn't that make more money for you, Hallmark!?)
In honor of this crazy mixed up holiday, I've decided to dedicate this whole week to SELF-LOVE.
Self-love is something we all tend to overlook, and it just so happens to be the BEST at helping us solve our biggest problems.
Don't believe me? Try this tonight:
Write down three things you love about yourself.
Look at yourself in the mirror and say, out loud, "I love you for..." and read all three items.
Feel goofy // press onward.
Repeat your entire list for 3 repetitions.
How's it feel? Something tells me this is going to be a good week. ;) Stay tuned!
Struggling to find those three things? Start small, think about your positive traits: "I'm kind / I am funny / I care about my family / I work hard." Still struggling? Then you need this more than you think! Fake it 'til you make it: write down 3 things you WANT to love yourself for — even if you don't believe them, yet, saying them to yourself will start to open your mind to the possibility that you are lovable for those 3 reasons. Eventually you'll be ready to embrace your self-worth. Baby steps.