Tips for Buying the Best Probiotic Blend for YOU
How to Choose Your Probiotics Wisely
Earlier today I was inspired by Alia Dalal's newsletter on eating to promote gut health. This is a subject I've been researching a LOT lately because so many studies about the microbiome(the army of health promoting microorganisms in our bodies) are surfacing and all of them seem to be pointing toward the importance of the gut. Not only is our intestinal tract now rapidly climbing the 'most critical organs for health' list, but scientists are starting to connect the dots between gut health and EMOTIONAL health.
!!! That kind of data makes me feel like: 🤓🌈🦄🦄🦄🌈🤓
But I digress. The point is, Alia's post hit home because I HAVE been trying to incorporate more probiotic rich foods into my diet (kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir). And I know that eating it is the most effective way to get that good bacteria to stick, but honestly, I don't love those tart, vinegary flavors every single day.
So I decided to do some heavy research on the very best probiotic capsules my money could buy. I want make sure I'm getting SOMETHING daily, even if it's not through whole food—and if I'm going to put myself through downing a pill every day, I want to make sure it works.
I came across a lot of great points, so I want to share them here with you.
1) DIVERSITY FIRST: the more strains, the better
By "strains," I'm talking those gnarly sciencey words on the label. L. acidophilus, for example. You want microbe DIVERSITY in your gut first and foremost. Most people focus on how many billions of cultures are in the product, but diversity is arguably more important because each strain attacks specific issues — and you want ALL your issues to be addressed, right?
2) COUNT THE BILLIONS: the higher, the better
Once you find a diverse probiotic, next you want to care about how many billions of cultures you're getting—the higher the better because some will die off on their way down to your gut. The price point goes up as the count goes up, but in this case you kind of do get what you pay for.
3) FIND THE STRAINS YOU LOVE: each strain has its own super power
From immune health to oral health to lady part health to liver health to straight up detoxification, each strain tackles its own issue, so do a little research to make sure you're getting the strains that could benefit you most personally.
I LOVE this resource as a guide to some of the more popular strains and what they do for you.
I personally wanted to include L. gasseri, which is not only great for women's health (lady parts, sup!) but some studies suggest it's the best strain to help with stubborn fat loss (we'll see) — and I was surprised to find that there aren't many probiotics out there that include this strain. So I'm glad I was looking out for it ahead of time!
Probiotics are not all that stable. You want to be sure the manufacturer is responsible about making them last. Go for thick bottles that shield the capsules from light. Some brands are shelf-stable and some need to be refrigerated, but you'll know which is which based on the label or where they are in the store.
I read that while expiration dates are not required by law, the brands that DO include an expiration are more trustworthy, because these products do lose potency over time. It's kind of a morally decent thing for a company to keep you in the loop about.
Renew Life Probiotics Womens Complete 90 Billion
I ended up going with Renew Life's Women's Complete Ultimate Flora (90 billion).
My drug store was selling it for $44, which is not super cheap, but I like that it was diverse AND had a high billion count. I also liked that it included L. gasseri. This brand gets a lot of high marks across the board. Cheaper alternatives from Renew Life would be a lower billion count (Women's Care at 25 billion or even 15 billion, which was $18 at the store.)
The Runner Up: RAW Probiotics
Raw Probiotic Garden of Life
Another great brand—and I seriously waivered in the store for like 15 minutes between this and Renew Life—is RAW probiotics from Garden of Life. I think I might even try this one next. What I liked about this one (and again I went for the Women's Health option since it included L. gasseri and I'm hellbent on having that in my system) is that it included MORE than just probiotics... it also incorporates what is essentially a women's multivitamin AND an enzyme blend, which is a digestion aid. It's especially great if you eat dairy (I don't, but digestive enzymes are helpful regardless).
So there you have it. A quick guide to finding the right probiotic blend JUST for you. My GUT tells me (bahaha not funny I know) that a little bit of research to find the blend that's best for you will make a world of difference.
Good luck out there!
PS: If you're really into the science behind this stuff, check out this incredibly nerdy (and awesome) TedTalk on the subject:
[ted id=2201]