Intuitive Eating for a Week
Killian Intuitive Eating
It's that time of year again—we're all hustling to get those last minute "summer bodies" before the season rushes past us all. I'm no different, always looking to healthify, always setting goals that are nearly impossible to attain. But hey! I've got one this week that might break the mold for the better: intuitive eating. Have you heard of it? It's been around for decades, but having a comeback thanks to the body positivity movement. And, because I'm hosting a body-talk conversation this month, I figured I'd do my due diligence as your human guinea pig and give it a try. (Also, it sounds ideal, so why not?)
The idea behind intuitive eating is pretty simple: you only eat when and what your body tells you to.
The concept here is that your body knows exactly what it needs in order to stay in its most healthful state. If you listen to it closely enough, it will ensure you are exactly where you need to be. So, it sounds simple, but I imagine the practice is fairly complex. For example, how do you know the difference between a craving and an "intuitive cue?" I've definitely heard that physical cravings (ie. for wheat or sugar) can indicate a body's addiction to it, not a legitimate need for more. Where's the distinction? And what exactly defines your body's most "healthful state?" According to some, your body's happiest and healthiest state may be heavier (or lighter) than you'd hoped. But! If your body is happy, shouldn't you follow suit?
This practice is all about honoring your body for what it is and where it wants to be.
Sounds nice, right? And that's why I'm all for giving it a shot. Aside from the questions posed above, I have to admit I enter the process with some skepticism about my body's "healthiest" state. What if my healthiest state is heavier than I'd prefer? Will I be able to come to terms with that? And how realistic is eating intuitively when you cook for others or eat out? Not everyone's bodies will "need" the same thing, right, so how do you care for yourself AND those you are cooking for simultaneously? And what if a restaurant doesn't have what you're craving on the menu? So, these are some of the questions I'll have the pleasure of addressing for you throughout the week. Hopefully you'll follow me right here (or on instagram) for this tiny adventure. And if you're feeling really bold, maybe you'll join me!