One thing I've noticed is that whenever I fall out of flow on this site, it's because there's some part of my shadow I'm not addressing; something I'm not able to speak to from an authentic place. And lately, my ability to write has been marred by politics.
Read MoreI'm going to start this post with a story.
I liken it to my self-love 'origin' story, at least in the sense that it may have been the first time I really understood that I was (a) responsible for my own growth and (b) capable of achieving it. At the end of this story, I'm going to offer a tool that you can try at home. With any luck, you will achieve a similar feeling of enlightenment, love, and self-forgiveness that I did.
Read More2017 has been a divisive year: everyone I know has either loved or hated it. I did not love it. It has had so many—maybe too many—growing pains. My personal career pursuits have become clearer, but for most of the year they've been unsteady. Following the news has been stressful. Watching people go at each other's throats, cut each other down, and advocate hate has been disheartening. But as I stood before my 2017 Gratitude Calendar this morning, coffee in-hand, head tilted to the side, reviewing every single day that this Earth tripped around the Sun, I saw something emerge beneath the overwhelm: love, focus, and hope.
Read More“When I received The Heart of Happy Gratitude 2017 Calendar from my dearest friend Rosie, I was completely inspired. Having a gratitude calendar on the wall was so perfect for me because I'm such a visual person. I look at it everyday and think about what made my heart so full that day and fill it in.”
Read MoreI write for a living. Unless you never went to school or learned how to read (in which case, if you're reading this: you are a miracle), you know that writing is a process. You get waves of inspiration accompanied by long pauses of dead space. "What's the best way to phrase XYZ?" or "How do I make that transition less dorky?" You get it.
Read MoreIt's been a weird few weeks. I have been busy working on gratitude calendar designs, sorting through various freelance writing gigs, and managing my personal writing schedule. On top of all the other random inconveniences of life: internet outages, incredibly involved vet visits, and the like.
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